Humoristisk, postmordern öl
Gillar att provsmaka ny öl. Senast var det Punk IPA, nån typ av anarkistisk pale ale med attityd och självförtroende. Den pekar fuck off till all blaskölälskare och ska vara en orginell smaksensation påstås det. En ekologisk öl med utmanande personlighet. Politisk, självständig och vet sitt eget värde. Jag läser något typ av manifest på flaskan:
"This is not a lowest common denominator beer. This is an agressive beer. We don't care if you don't like it. We do not merely aspire to the proclaimed heady heights of conformity through neutrality and blandness.
It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to appreciate the depth, character and quality of this premium craft brewed beer. You probably don't even care that this rebellious little beer contains no preservatives or additives and uses only the finest fresh natural ingredients.
Just go back to drinking your mass marketed, bland, cheaply made watered down lager, and close the door behind you."
Smaken är kanske inte så aggressiv som annan pale ale, men jag gillar idén. En Öl med uttalat politiskt syfte.

"This is not a lowest common denominator beer. This is an agressive beer. We don't care if you don't like it. We do not merely aspire to the proclaimed heady heights of conformity through neutrality and blandness.
It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to appreciate the depth, character and quality of this premium craft brewed beer. You probably don't even care that this rebellious little beer contains no preservatives or additives and uses only the finest fresh natural ingredients.
Just go back to drinking your mass marketed, bland, cheaply made watered down lager, and close the door behind you."
Smaken är kanske inte så aggressiv som annan pale ale, men jag gillar idén. En Öl med uttalat politiskt syfte.
